Areas of Ministry at The Well Church

Small Groups
Never before has a society been so connected… and so isolated. We are called to live out our relationship with Jesus in the context of community. Small groups are an essential way for us to live out our Vision Path of Connect, Grow and Service. We have groups for all ages meeting at various locations during the week
Women’s Ministries
As we live out our faith in Jesus, it is important to connect with others in that journey. In the Oasis Women’s Ministry at The Well Church, women can find a safe place to connect through Events, Retreats, Mentoring, and Bible Studies.

Men’s Ministry
Being a man in the 21st century is a daunting task. Balancing family, work, and recreational activities is a challenge we all face. Our men’s ministry has a variety of Bible Studies, Activities, Mentoring and Retreats to strengthen us to be the “iron that sharpens iron” we need as Men Following Jesus.
Birth to 5th grade
Children are more than the future! They are the present as well. The Splash Ministry at the Well Church ministers to our young ones from Birth through Sixth Grade. We have a Sunday Morning Program for all ages and mid-week Kids programs that meet on Monday’s and Wednesdays.
6th grade through High School
FLOOD is a ministry at The Well Church for Students in grades 6th -12th.We Currently meet Sunday Mornings during our 9:30am service and Wednesday nights
from 6:00 – 8:00pm in the Fellowship Hall.
On Sunday mornings we join the Congregation for singing in our main sanctuary. then head over to the Youth Room for a time of study together.
Our Youth also attend an annual summer and winter camp and have a schedule of regular fun activities.

Young Families
Families with children Birth through Elementary
Families are the basic social groups of mankind. At The Well Church, we desire to minister to Young Families to provide activities for Families, Bible Studies focused on their particular needs, and a community to encourage each other.
The Well Church exists for the Glory of God. Our goal in worship is to focus the attention and glory on God as we use our artistic talents and gifts to reveal Him to this world. We focus the use of our gifts and talents to encourage and build up the body of Christ and as facilitators of Worship, we desire to prepare the individual hearts of people to hear God’s Word.
Seniors Ministry
At The Well Church, we value all people. Our seniors are precious souls who have led the way through many years of change and sacrifice. Our Senior’s Ministry seeks to minister to the needs of senior adults by providing visitation, bible studies and activities that will encourage their souls to stay engaged with God’s church, his community and the World

Counseling Center
Currently accepting new clients
Call or email for an Appointment:
We have several therapists at our
location to serve your needs.
Computers-Photography-Computer Graphics
We live in an ever-changing technological world. As we communicate the Gospel Message to our wold we rely on the means technology to help us to spread the message of Christ to our world. There are many areas of service in Sound, Lighting, Computer Graphics, and the World of Social Media available for you to find your area of service at The Well Church.
Our Missions and outreach ministry is called FLOW. (Finding Loving Opportunities to Reach our World for Jesus.)
Our mandate is to reach into the whole world with the Good News of the Gospel. Our FLOW ministry coordinates our Missions effort throughout the world and our outreach directly to our own community.
The Well Outreach Center
The Well church reaches into our community through Our Neighbors Clothing Closet, The Well Counseling Center (See info above), and The Mosaic Center, a place to get Mental, Spiritual, and Relational help in a group setting.

Si prefieres adorar y aprender en español, la iglesia Well ofrece un servicio de
adoración en español los domingos por la mañana, junto con un estudio bíblico
semanal que también se realiza en español. Por favor, contacta la oficina de la iglesia
al 909-795-0614 para obtener más información sobre nuestro servicio en español.
adoración en español los domingos por la mañana, junto con un estudio bíblico
semanal que también se realiza en español. Por favor, contacta la oficina de la iglesia
al 909-795-0614 para obtener más información sobre nuestro servicio en español.